Blog Posts

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Meeting with Mr. Tony Franjieh

AST had a successful and productive meeting with the Member of the Lebanese Parliament and the chairman of the Information Technology committee in the Lebanese Parliament Mr. Tony Franjieh.

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Launching our First Game Moving Balls

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Unity/VR department.

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AST Strategy Planning Meeting 2023 via Microsoft Teams

AST team and the board members had their strategic planning meeting for 2023 on the 4th of January 2023.

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The Mwakaba Project is now live in eight municipalities.

We are proud to announce that our Mwakaba project has been adopted by multiple municipalities.  

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Mwakaba project is now live in Abadieh Municipality

We are pleased to announce that Mwakaba project is now live in Abadieh Municipality.

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NASA Space Apps Ceremony

NASA Space Lebanon Closing Ceremony at USEK University.

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ÉLAN Website Huge Makeover

Exciting news ! AST is glad to announce the ÉLAN  website HUGE makeover !    

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Virtual Reality (VR) World!

AST Takes its First Steps into the Virtual Reality (VR) World!

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“Mwakaba” Event

The AST team would like to extend their gratitude…

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