Trainees' Testimonials


Software Developer / Internship

From : April 2022 - To : July 2022

As a software developer, I started my internship at AST. I began working on React projects with a supportive team after obtaining a lot of knowledge with the technology. I’m now a software engineer at AST on a full-time job after a three-month internship.


Software Developer / Internship

From : April 2022 - To : May 2022

During my time at AST, I learned the basics of React which will be helpful for my forthcoming projects. My workplace was friendly and helpful.


Software Developer / Internship

From : April 2022 - To : June 2022

In my time at AST, I worked on mobile and web applications using new components and technologies that helped improve my skills, logic, and teamwork. The team I worked with was very helpful and responsive, and they were always open to discussions and new ideas, which improved communication and productivity within the team and on the project as a whole.



Software Developer / Internship

From : March 2022 - To : May 2022

It was a pleasure to work with such a productive and helpful team that encourages and supports one another.


Software Developer / Internship

From : January 2022 - To : March 2022

My internship with AST boosted my web development experience.
Which was mainly focused in wordpress where I also contributed in some AST projects. The support, communication and team work provided during my training, helped me a lot to excel in my career.


Software Developer / Internship

From : January 2022 - To : March 2022

Working with AST was a wonderful experience, and I’m glad to have contributed to some of the company’s projects during my internship, which was primarily focused on the WordPress chapter. All of the AST team members tremendously helped me finish my training by providing me with a wealth of knowledge that would be helpful in future projects.


Software Developer / Internship

From : December 2021 - To : February 2022

During my time at AST, I did a lot of research to expand my knowledge and suggest solutions for the team in various fields. I worked on a real project for the German Ministry, where I was in charge of TTS (Text to Speech) feature. It was a great experience in an atmosphere of cooperation and individual development.


Software Developer / Internship

From : November 2021 - To : September 2022

Looking back, I learned a lot during the internship. The first week was all about getting set up with all the tools and shadowing my teammates. After that, I started working on web applications using React technology. Then, I gained experience with the WordPress PHP technology. Being able to utilize all the skills that I was taught at AST in a real-life situation is the best learning experience .

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